
Tomorrow’s World – preparing our children for the future

About twenty-five years ago, Boeing published a list of desired attributes for its engineers. As well as the obvious need for a strong understanding in maths and physics, and the process of design and manufacturing, it also sought other skills too, namely:

 Good communication skills – written, oral, graphic and listening
 A basic understanding of the context in which engineering is practised, including the surrounding history, environment and societal needs
 High ethical standards
 An ability to think critically and creatively – independently and cooperatively
 Flexibility
 Curiosity and a desire to learn for life
 A profound understanding of the importance of teamwork

I had not seen this document before yesterday when it was shown during a seminar I attended at the IAPS Annual Conference. The theme of the conference was ‘Tomorrow’s World; Global Citizens’, a theme which we championed, coincidentally, just last week. The seminar which referenced Boeing’s requirements focused on what prep schools can learn from emerging approaches to undergraduate education and it provided a satisfying endorsement that our direction of educational travel is absolutely right. Through initiatives such as the new Thinking Skills programme that we have launched in the Middles, or more problem-solving and innovation tasks gradually being introduced to the Design and Technology programme and general reviews of our academic curriculum to develop more independent thinking and curiosity in learning, we are definitely helping to prepare the successful university students of the future. Not only that, but with our approach to important values that develop good and rounded characters, we hope that Androvians will set a benchmark in the next stages of their educational journeys.