Location: Birley Centre, Eastbourne Collegealaddin kids
Year 5 to Year 8 – maximum number of places 30
DATE: Sunday 21-Thursday 25 July 2024
TIME: 9:15am-4:00pm daily with performances at 4:30pm and 6:30pm on Thursday 25 July
COST: £265 per child (5 day course including a hot lunch each day)
VENUE: Birley Centre, Eastbourne College
Rob Cousins, Chloe Campbell and Mia Longman will be staging this exciting production.
We will be casting the production at the end of June – so all pupils who wish for one of the main roles must enrol on the course by Monday June 24 when details of the auditions will be sent out. All who enrol will be guaranteed to be part of this wonderful show – even if they do not get a main role they will still be kept as busy as ever learning all the ensemble routines as they would on any normal SPARK Musicality course.
Pupils can enrol onto the course up until Monday 8 July (although after Monday June 24 we can’t guarantee an audition for a main role – but you will still be able to take a full part in the production).
All participants will be provided with a morning snack and a two-course hot meal at lunchtime. Pupils should bring comfy clothes, shoes sensible to dance in and a water bottle each day. Pupils will need to wear black leggings or trousers for the performances. On Thursday 25 July all pupils will need to bring a packed meal to eat between performances.
On Thursday the 25 July there will be two public performances of the show at 4:30pm and 6:30pm. All participants will automatically be given four free tickets. Further tickets will be available at a cost of £5 from on a first come first served basis from Monday 24 June onwards.
Booking Form link –