Allergy Policy and Procedure
At St Andrews Prep new pupils complete an allergy/intolerance notification form. We use this to identify the individual through the use of Holroyd Howe’s ‘Think of Me’ boards. These state the child’s name, picture and allergy/intolerance and copies are displayed in the school’s front office, staff common room, kitchen, catering office and Matron’s office.
We prepare, cook and plate up foods within a controlled environment using our knowledge to apply specific procedures, ensure we use utensils and equipment correctly and individually plate food for those who suffer with more severe allergies. Before any meal, we also carry out a pre-service allergy check using a document to write down the food items produced to identify the allergies present, thus enabling staff to answer correctly any questions asked about a certain dish. Information is also displayed along with a daily menu to highlight potential food allergies.