
Structure of the School

Our two schools, St Andrew’s Prep and Eastbourne College are within one Charity.

The governors serve both as directors and trustees of the charitable company. As a board they are responsible for the overall strategy of the Charity and they have statutory responsibility for key aspects of compliance including safeguarding and health & safety. In order to fulfil these responsibilities, they delegate day to day management to the two headmasters and their senior management teams. They seek to ensure, for all who have an interest in the Charity, the maintenance of the distinctive ethos of both schools, and the delivery of its charitable objects for today’s pupils.

Governors come from a wide range of backgrounds, including business, education, and the professions, and all are deeply committed to the schools’ continuing success. Some are parents of current pupils and some are former pupils themselves. All are regular visitors to the schools, meeting staff and pupils.

Eastbourne College Incorporated Annual report and financial statements Year Ending 31 August 2023

If you would like to write to the Chair of Governors or another governor, please address your correspondence to:

The Clerk to the Board of Governors
Eastbourne College
Marlborough House 
Old Wish Road
East Sussex
BN21 4JY