“As a family, we adore St Andrew’s Prep, all the teachers, and everything about the school. It is an absolute pleasure to enter the grounds daily and it has been a brilliant move for us. The happiness, opportunities and thirst for knowledge radiating from our very joyful, relaxed, and content little ones make us confident that a St Andrew’s education is worth every penny.”
“Academically, he has a renewed passion for his subjects and is truly motivated to learn and grow. Even the new subjects of Latin and French haven’t fazed him. He had lost this interest and passion for learning over the past 12 months, so it’s fantastic to see this determination and enthusiasm return.”
“Every teacher enjoys what they teach and we enjoy what we learn. The outdoor space in amazing.”
“I made friends so quickly when I started at the school. The teachers and pupils really made me so welcome. I’ve especially enjoyed the many musical opportunities.”