
Autumn Term: Week 1

Nursery & Pre-Prep Blog week 1


Both Pre-Prep and Nursery staff have been very excited to welcome back all the lovely children. It has been such a long time since we had a full house! There were smiles galore and the excitement was infectious as friends were reunited.  Mrs Tomsett, Miss Hassan and Mrs Worsell were delighted to see the Year 2 children re-engage with their work immediately. It was like they had never been away –  lovely to see. Mrs Reed and Mrs Bates were equally impressed by how the Year 1 class settled into their new environment in the Key Stage 1 Hub. A new building for them; it is always amusing to observe the children head off back to their old class on autopilot and then see their look of surprise when they have realised their mistake! Miss Maynard and Mrs Cracknell were amazed to see how much the Reception class had grown. Looking resplendent in their new, pristine uniforms, one little girl told me how she was so excited to have her dress, that she had worn it for a few days before school started. The teachers have said the children have been so well behaved they are going to need more reward stickers soon.
The Nursery has been a whirlwind of activity.  They have settled beautifully, as if unaware of any changes to routine and structure. The children have listened well, been keen to help and have tried their best. A little 3 year old commented, “I do like your Nursery and I do like my classroom.” The whole department has been a buzz of chatter and excitement and we are all looking forward to a super term.