
Autumn Term: Week 10

This week has been anti-bullying week, with the theme being United Against Bullying. Many children arrived at school on Monday wearing an assortment of odd socks. It was lovely to celebrate all these differences and highlighted how wonderful individual differences are. The children really showed their understanding of mutual respect and how to support each other when someone is feeling upset and in need of help. It is heart-warming to know we have such a kind group of children in the Pre-Prep and Nursery.  

This week the Year 2 children worked carefully and with great concentration in Forest School.  They learnt how to use loppers to cut sticks and then how to whittle the ends. They are beginning to use commas in their writing and Mr Jones enjoyed learning the actions for a capital letter, comma and a full stop!

Year 1 have used their senses in a novel way this week. Using a variety of different flavoured crisps, they had to smell them and then of course taste them, ahead of voting for their favourite flavour. It is always best to check and then check again just to be sure! In history, children showed great curiosity about the life of Guy Fawkes and discovered many interesting facts. They discussed whether planning to blow up parliament was the right plan of action and were reflecting on how King James I ruled and punished. In maths the children made clocks and practised telling the time. They ended with a super game of What’s the Time Mr Wolf?

The Reception children have been learning about the celebration of light, Diwali. They carefully sculpted diva lamps out of clay and, when in the forest, they created rangoli patterns using natural materials. Other exciting activities included colouring rice and creating very colourful patterns using chalks in the outdoor area. Rangoli patterns are a great way to learn the mathematical concepts of pattern and symmetry. This week the children have learnt the ee, or and ie phonemes in their phonics lessons. They made super sailor hats in line with the Jolly Phonics songs ‘ie, ie, captain’! The children have also been continuing to perfect their Nativity; it is coming along nicely.

In the Chaffinch and Kingfisher classes this week the children have been using Numberblocks to help them recognise numbers and quantities. They helped to make an interactive display and worked together to put the Numberblocks in the correct order, whilst also identifying the number that represents their age. They then compared a number of items to the Numberblocks. Some of the boys decided to become teachers and used the Numberblocks and the classroom display to teach their toys about numbers! Lovely to see. There was fantastic collaborative play in the Chaffinch class, while the children played in the sand tray. They worked together co-operatively in their imaginary play, making lots of ‘cakes’ and ‘soup’ and heard, ‘I’m making a banana cake with strawberry.’ ‘You have to stir it, it’s got milk in there!’ and ‘We’re making porridge.’

Children in the Nightingale class have had a super week taking part in a multitude of activities to explore their senses. They had great fun with foam, otherwise known as snow! They all had a go at trying to break ice blocks with knives and watching the blocks melt. 

This week the Robins have begun to create Christmas crafts. They decorated pine cones by drizzling them with glue and sprinkling stars over them. They look amazing. In music, with Mrs Radley, the Robins enjoyed sitting with a partner holding hands and moving back and forth to ‘Row, row, row your boat!’ as well as singing and doing the actions to ‘If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands.’ A super creative week.

This week the Sparrow class have been exploring sand using their senses. They practised mark-making on the sand using their hands. They also practised their fine motor skills using objects, for example, driving the diggers and cars through the sand.