
The secret life of our Nursery children

St Andrew’s Prep is delighted to announce the launch of its new Nursery film.

With our focus on nurturing each child, the film shows off the Nursery’s much envied provision and facilities all led, superbly by our highly qualified and experience staff. 

Offering wrap-around care, St Andrew’s Prep offers its youngest pupils a wide variety of learning experiences with which they quickly begin to develop spiritually, morally, culturally and socially while enhancing their creative talents. It is through living and working in our positive and creative atmosphere that the children learn to feel secure in themselves and their surroundings.

Set within the 12 acre site of St Andrew’s Prep, the children have access to outstanding facilities including a newly built sports hall, heated swimming pool, large sports’ field with recently re-laid tennis courts, drama studio, music block and dedicated dance studio. They also take advantage of the well-hidden and quite beautiful Forest School and access to the beach just a five minute walk from our door.

The Nursery’s most recent ISI compliance inspection report commented, “The overall effectiveness of the Early Years provision is outstanding. Children’s progress … is well above average. They are extremely well prepared and ready for the next stage in their learning. Planning indicates high expectations with appropriately challenging next steps that sustain children’s excellent development”.