
The Eco-committee Launches its Big Battery Hunt

Our Eco-committee members are very excited to share a new initiative they have at St Andrew’s Prep. The school has registered to take part in the nationwide Big Battery Hunt Competition. Pupils have been given the opportunity to take home a small cardboard box in which to collect old used batteries which should be returned when full.  The number of batteries are then counted out and registered for the competition. Last year, this nationwide programme collected four million batteries for recycling. Competition prizes include a trip to the Sustainability Centre and school equipment. Though the competition finishes in June, St Andrew’s Prep will continue to collect used batteries and the competition organizers will collect and recycle them through the year.  We have positioned five special buckets around the school into which we hope parents and pupils will put their used batteries. The buckets are situated in the Reception area, the library, top floor, Pre-prep and the Nursery, and all used batteries will be recycled. Happy recycling.

st andrews prep big battery hunt pupils st andrews prep big battery hunt