Alex Brown

What is your earliest memory of life at St Andrew’s Prep?
Arriving at St Andrew's Prep in the Autumn of 1977 from Ascham School after it closed down, I remember feeling slightly daunted by going to a new school (one of our sporting arch rivals); but so many of my friends moved with me that this didn't last long. The welcome we received from everyone at St Andrew's when we arrived was lovely. Within a week or two it felt like we had always been there. A number of the Ascham teachers moved over with us too which I think helped the transition.
What stands out most from your time at St Andrew’s Prep?
Looking back now, the feeling of being happy nearly all of the time coupled with music (singing and playing the trumpet) and the fantastic Scout camps we went on.
Was there a teacher who was inspirational?
Too many inspirational ones to single just one out really....... Jack Crockatt for French and Cricket, John Dent for Latin and Cricket, Rivers Currie and Brian Jefford for Scouts and, of course, the Headmaster, Dodd Wainwright, for all-round inspiration.
Do you still keep in touch with fellow Androvians?
Yes, too many to name! Most of the boys who went on to Eastbourne College with me have become lifelong friends and there is a circle of my year group that sees each other on a very regular basis, either in Sussex or London.
How did St Andrew’s shape your future life?
It set me up very well for my five years at Eastbourne College which, in turn, set me up for my adult life beyond 1985. I think we all continue to strive and to grow through our lives, whatever stage we may be at. Ask me again in ten years’ time and I may well be able to give you a more straightforward answer!
Is the school different or the same as it was in your day?
In my day, we were called by our surnames (by staff and pupils alike) and there are a lot more girls at the school now. They were a rarity in my era and quite often a bit of a distraction! My daughter now attends St Andrew’s Prep so I visit on a very regular basis and it still feels like the happy, nurturing place that I benefitted from. Long may that continue.