
Reflecting on our inner selves

Looking in the mirror, one does not always see what one wants to see. And this can be a challenge. Our theme this week has been ‘reflection’ and the problem with mirrors is that they only show our outer appearances. In a media-obsessed age, where looks, clothing and physical shape are associated with success, this is an issue for many people.


To counter this, we have been focusing on the meaning of proper reflection. We are all unique and each one of us has our own look, strengths, personality and potential. And in order to fulfil our potential and purpose we need to take time occasionally to look at our inner selves. We need to stop and measure ourselves against certain values that we hold within us: the values of kindness, honesty, tolerance and gratitude. It is like looking in a mirror but not to see the outer appearance; instead to see the goodness on the inside and reflect that on to those around us.


Delivering an excellent sermon on this topic in Chapel yesterday was Gareth Doodes, Headmaster of Dover College, who returned to St Andrew’s for the first time since his departure as Head Boy almost thirty years ago. For him the visit was a marvellous few hours of reflection upon his very happy and enriching time at St Andrew’s and he shared his passion, enthusiasm and memories with the current pupils. He encouraged them to be just as proud of their stripy blazers; to seize all the opportunities that come their way – and there are many; to not be afraid to give things a go, because that is the mark of an Androvian; and to work hard on those friendships because they will be friends for life. Inspiring words!